self-lubricated bearing
Standard component of dies
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CT-JDB 1Solid Lubricant Embedded Bush Structure

Base material:CuZn24AL6
Base Hardness:HB230-270
Friction coef(u):<0.16
Temperature limit :300 ℃
Dynamic load limit:100N/mm2
lLoad limit under lm/min:25N/mm2
Speed limit:(Dry)0.4m/s (Oil)5m/s
PV limit:3.8N/mm2 *m/s
Can be used low,middle and high load. When under high load, wear peformance degrades accordingly.
It's a general-purpose product and be applied under low or high pressure, low or high temperature, and oil, water or dry lubrication.
Can be applied in consistent cast machine, rolling machine, conveyor equipment; plastic injection machine, high voltage switch; hoisting supporter, hydraulic gate supporter; paper-making machine, automobile die etc.
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